Linking Families and Teens (LiFT)

Research shows that a strong connection between teens and their supportive adult(s) is a superpower that helps teens achieve their goals, and supports healthy teen outcomes, including: decreased rates of unintended teen pregnancy, STIs, depression, drug and alcohol use, and increased school success. Although teens and adults alike say they want to talk with one another about sexuality, many families say that they feel uncomfortable and ill-equipped to have conversations with each other about sexual health topics and this makes building strong connections very challenging.

Linking Families and Teens (LiFT) centers on strengthening communication and trust between youth and a supportive adult in order to facilitate tough conversations about sexual health and decision-making. LiFT can be implemented as one 6-hour or two 3-hour sessions and is designed for youth and adults to participate together. 

This program is rooted in best practices, with evaluation demonstrating that LiFT youth and supportive adults:

  • Have better, more positive, more frequent conversations about sexuality values, thoughts and feelings

  • Are more confident in their ability to seek sexual health care

  • [Youth] feel more comfortable negotiating safer sexuality, and are significantly less likely to have ever experienced an adverse outcome.

Whether taking place in one or two sessions, the workshop is divided into three parts:

  1. Together Times (four modules):

    These are modules that youth and adults participate in together. They are opportunities for sharing, skill practice, and fun.

  2. Youth (two modules):

    These are modules for youth only so they can have open and honest conversations with other youth. Youth modules include activities, skill-building, and practice for youth in: the importance of connection; communication skills to engage in Tough Talks; and basic information on condoms and accessing sexual and reproductive healthcare.

  3. Adults (two modules):

    These are modules for adults only so they can have open and honest conversations with other adults. Adult modules include activities, skill-building, and practice for adults in: the importance of connection; practices to build connection with their youth; and skills to engage in Tough Talks about sexual health.


LiFT workshops will take place primarily on weeknights and weekends, however IWES is happy to accommodate weekday sessions as feasible for partner sites and prospective participants.

To get in contact with IWES regarding LiFT, please email